We are very pleased to announce that we acquired a patent in Macao for a series of technology related to the production of dendritic cell vaccines, after Japan, the US, the UK, France, German, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and China.
Groundbreaking technology has been developed successfully by integrally reviewing the technology of production. One of the most highlighted points is the undifferentiated monocyte growth technology which allows us to produce each vaccine using only 25 ml of venous blood and apheresis (extra-corporeal whole blood component collection) is unnecessary.
This is not our goal, but we will continue to develop the innovative technologies for all patients in the world.
Patent No.: MOJ/003584
Date of Patent: 2019/05/09
Title: Proliferating Agent for Monocyte, Culture Medium for Proliferating Monocyte, and Method of Producing Monocyte